Barbara Belicia, MOT OTR/L
Specialty: Physical Rehabilitation, Preventative Health and Wellness
National Board-Certified Occupational Therapist
Licensed State of Connecticut
Quinnipiac University Alumni
Spiritual Wellness
Focus on your internal strength that drives your sacrifice and goals by educating on the importance of setting aside time in your day to reset your person and balance yourself within the world.
Physical Wellness
We expand your knowledge on how to holistically optimize your physical body through nutrients and appropriate physical activity, outside of exercise, to achieve a healthy and functional wellbeing.
Emotional Wellness
Is based on the book “The 4-Agreements.” A snapshot on how to the agreements you have made with yourself affect your emotional wellbeing at work and other environments. These agreements also affect your social circle and interactions. We focuses on the importance recognizing where your responsibility begins and ends in all things and allows you to release feelings of discord and animosity for a healthier you in all environments.
Social Wellness
How your individual actions impact your communities, society and nature. Focuses on the importance of positive and rewarding relationships and group activities.
Spiritual Wellness:
Importance of appropriate meditation
Energy of self and others can damage your day
Personal reset time
Mantras that reset repetitive thoughts (create your own to stay focused and motivated
Power of words
Emotional Wellness:
Mental Balance
4-agreement coping skills
Mindfulness activities for emotional balance
Physical Wellness:
Supplements: To Take or Not To Take, that is the question
Importance of nutrient intake
Symptoms of vitamin deficiencies.
Understanding Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Pain Medication, the body, and vitamins • 8 types of pain – Each require a different type of treatment.
Benefits of Stretching vs. Exercise
Quick solutions when back pain begins
Messages from your body
Emotional Wellness:
Bask in positivity and attract positive relationships
Identification of behaviors that are not beneficial to your person.
No one is a mind reader -- Communication habits for better workspace
Never eat alone
Eat the Biggest Frog First --- Time management
Don’t be a mirror, be a beam of light